News,  Projects

Call for a Christian Japan!

On Saturday 25th May we celebrated the blessing of the new cemetery of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Japan. It was a moving moment for all those present, both because of the spiritual charge of the service and because of the installation of a cross in the middle of the cemetery. This was the first time that the Holy Cross had been placed in an area at the foot of Mount Fuji, opposite a pagan Buddhist temple. The blessing of the place with holy water and the setting up of a “guardian angel” made all those present feel enveloped and moved into a world of grace. We tasted a little of that joy which is not of this world and which enlightens and beautifies the whole of creation.

Because the cemetery that is now open is near Mount Fuji, we feel as great as Mount Fuji. We are great because of the greatness of the Good Lord who chose a small community like ours to do such wonderful things. We are not worthy of this greatness. We have a lot of work to do, a lot of repair work to do, especially in ourselves, in our souls, and in our community. But beyond our unworthiness, God’s work goes on.

That’s why, having reached this point, we have to go forward. We look ahead to the little church that will be placed on the patch of ground next to the cemetery. What would an Orthodox church look like next to a Buddhist temple? The holiness of the church and the place will surely transform the hollowness of the temple! We don’t know what God’s plan for this place is for the ages to come. We only know that we have a duty now to continue His work here, in this place of grace, greenery and greatness.

But we can’t do it alone. Or rather, I can’t do anything without you. As I’ve never done anything on my own. That’s why, now as at other times, I urge you to get involved and to unite. I am addressing not only Christians in Japan, but all Orthodox brethren everywhere: help us to build a corner of heaven in Yamanashi, near Mount Fuji! Help us to bring the small church from Romania and build an annex with all the necessary facilities!

For someone to help us with our project, they need to understand what it means to build a house of God in a country where Christianity is less than 1%, a country that is technologically developed but spiritually still before Christ. I have always wondered why Japan is not taken seriously by Christian missionaries everywhere. Why is it that most of them go to poor countries and overlook this country of 126 million people who do not know Christ? Isn’t poverty of spirit more worrying than poverty of body? And I don’t mean the poverty of the spirit of the Beatitudes.

Now we all Christians, but especially we Orthodox Christians, have the unique opportunity to make God’s presence felt and seen in this wonderful land of Japan. The land, the nature, the birds – they all speak of God. People have yet to see and hear the Word and receive Life.

Just think what a place it will be when a small wooden Romanian church is put there. I can see how all of Japan will hear about it and all the people will want to go to the mountains, to this unique building, and leave with much grace, just wanting to return.

We can do this mission together! Below are two accounts where you can donate. These can also be made using this website’s “Donate” button.

Thank you for your support! Every donation, together with every prayer, helps us to make Japan a land of God: the Christian Japan!

Donations from Japan: Post Bank (Yuuchyo Ginko), Branch: 138 (一三八), Account No. : 12964641

Donations from anywhere: Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Account Name: Romanian Orthodox Church in Japan, Branch: Kunitachi (243), Account No.: 1447599, Swift Code: BOTKJPJTXXX

For details, please contact me at or +818078017382 (WhatsApp, Line).

With many blessings,

Father Daniel